søndag, februar 04, 2007

Visit to Himba village

Yesterday Gabriel and I visited an Himba village nearby. It's one of the villages where Sammy's organization run a mobile school unit. The indiginous group of the Himba, live life today as they always have, with the exception of a few things they travel to the city to trade or buy. They still wear tradititonal clothing, speak their own language, herd cattle and goats, and live off of their crops.

lørdag, februar 03, 2007

Safari Adventure in South Africa!

Despite Namibia being one of the best places in the world to go on a safari, we enjoyed our first safari in South Africa! We were so lucky to share this day with good friends from Norway, Hilde, Tore, Maja and Mattis, and you can only believe how excited Maja and Erik were seeing all the animals!