We are driving to Winhoek today, my brother is flying back to Norway tomorrow, and the boys and I will follow the 13th of May. It is time to say farwell to Opuwo, and it is with mixed emotions that we do so. The past two years have filled our hearts with the warmth of the people in Opuwo, the everyday visits from all the kids in the neighbourhood, the visits to the supermarket where Gabriel is held by most of the staff everytime and Erik is allowed to run around, the daily run to the airstrip - where the scenery is so stunning that its hard to get your head around it. The lodge on the top of the hill, where you can swim while gazing at the African landscape shaped with hills and mountains and plains. Gabriel's daily fun with Mr. Chombo who works in the garden, they have become good working buddies and there is no day without Gabe helping in the yard. The handshakes with all the people you meet, the himba ladies laughing and greeting you with their big smiles and ochre smell, the herero ladies in their big dresses and cow horns have become a natural part of our life. The lack of water, the sometimes lack of electricity, the TB, Rabies, cholera, malaria and all the rest have been challenging, no doubt, but we have done it and whilst living in it you realize that everything is possible. Living in Opuwo has allowed our family to grow even closer together, sharing the experience and challenges living in a village in Africa. Time stands still and it has allowed us to spend all our time together as a family. There is so much more to say, but words cannot describe how Opuwo has forever changed the 4 of us. We will take this African experience with us and meet the world at home with different eyes. Thank you Opuwo!