søndag, mai 06, 2007

Fish River Canyon

Tomorrow we are off. The kids and I will drive the 9 hours to Windhoek to meet up with Sammy, and this will be our first time to do this drive alone. With a good vechicle, and tools in the trunck we should be ok, but the first 3,5 hours of the drive is on gravl road, and not the most pleasant drive. However, we are all excited to go to Windhoek, and Erik cant wait to visit his favourite restaurant Spur! It`s been more than four months ago that the kids and I were in Windhoek, and for us villagers it seems rather exotic at the moment.

Friday, I will be travelling on to Ketmanshoop on my way to hike Fish River Canyon. Sammy and the boys will travel back to Opuwo and be homebound for the week I am gone. Fish River Canyon will be a huge challenge, but that`s what I love about it! Vicki and I have hiked all over Opuwo for the past three months to get in shape, and hopefully it pays off. The hardest part of the hike will be carrying the backpack with all the food and equipment we will need. We`ll be sleeping outside under the stars, but we have to be mindful of scorpions who has a liking of warm sleepingbags. Vicki and I are hiking in a group of 6 other people, which makes it a bit safer, as there`s absolutely no people around, and if there is other groups, we will most likely not see them (mind you, this is the worlds second largest canyon after Grand Canyon!).

For those of you interested in reading more about Fish River Canyon, click on one of these links:

http://www.namibia-travel.net/southnamibia/fishriver.htm http://www.footprint.co.za/fish.htm

I will let you know how the hike went, but won`t be back in Opuwo until May 20th, so be patient with me. And to those of you, pappa, Auden, Mari and Anne that I was planning to call on skype before leaving, I apologize, but time ran out and I have been way too busy entertaining the kids (especially Erik who is on holiday, as his pree-school is closed for a full month!).



At 9:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonym said...

Funny.. first post I see you using a Dutch word. So I guess you have picked up something when you read my blog haha :D


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