lørdag, januar 19, 2008

Erik's christmas

Erik is homeschooled by me this year (in addition to attending the local school in the local language here in Opuwo), and the program we use is a Norwegian web based one, called Globalskolen (the Global school). Erik's christmas vacation, in his own words, was published on the opening page this week, and he is very proud! If you want to read it click on the link below:



At 11:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonym said...

So you're officialy a Teacher now? lol

But you gotta love the possibilities the internet is providing nowadays.

At 11:33 p.m., Blogger TALITHA said...

I came across your blog - a pure hasard... or maybe not?! I am a belgian mother of three children (ages 9-11-13), married to a frenchman (we live in France) and in July 2008 we will be in Opuwo for two days. I haven't read your entire blog (yet!) but you are living the life we have always dreamt of! Thanks for sharing it with us! should you want to know us better: http://guittinfamily.spaces.live.com

Talitha Guittin


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