mandag, januar 28, 2008

Erik's first day of school!

Erik started 1st grade today. In Namibia you start school the year you turn 7, and the schoolyear starts in mid January. All the kids have to wear uniforms, and Opuwo Junior Primary requirs all grey (shirt, pants or shorts, socks, sweater) and black polished shoes. Erik was so proud of his uniform and for finally going to school that he wore the uniform all weekend! We took him to school at 6.45 AM this morning, as school starts at 7.00 AM and last until 1.00 PM every day. The kids were all lined up in their uniforms, and excited to see a new kid on the block!


At 2:26 p.m., Blogger TALITHA said...

Hello again!
I hope you don't mind me writing on your blog... I am complete stranger after all...but I find your blog really fabulous! We have our own webspace (in french-dutch-english) which I of course invite you to visit:

I understand you will be going back to Norway by the end of the year (we've got friends in Heggenes)... isn't that going to be a shock for your boys...


At 11:45 p.m., Blogger solevald said...

Hei! Endelig prøver jeg å få til og svare på deres blogg:
Hei Erik!
Kjempefint bilde av deg. Flott uniform og kjekk gutt!
Klem fra bestemor og bestefar, Zita og Tina

At 11:35 a.m., Blogger Coppelia said...

HI! The boys are getting SO big! I can't believe Erik is even in school now! Hope you guys are doing well :) I'm still in New Zealand but heading back states side in a few days...we'll see what happenes next! Take Care! Coppelia*

At 2:13 p.m., Blogger elin said...

I get by with a little help form my friends... Dataeksperten har forhåpentligis fiksa innstilingene mine. Kanskje jeg endelig får komentarene mine gjennom brannmuren? :-)Erik er kjempefin skolegutt - gleder meg skikkelig til å vise fram bilde til Thomas når han kommer i ettermiddag! Stor helgeklem til dere alle! elin


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